Flo Ware Park
28th & S. Jackson, Seattle WA

Why Rebuild Flo Ware Park?

The park today is Unsafe and Unwelcoming!
Information on our neighborhood

  • Crime Magnet

  • Location of basketball court near the street allows drug dealers to "fade" into games when police arrive.

  • Prostitution & drinking hangout due to poor lighting and hidden areas

Obsolete Equipment

Danger: Glass & needles in the sandy play areas are impossible to keep clean and threaten the safety of our children

Sloping court: basketballs roll into street

  • Unsafe slide: is set in cement slope

  • Inadequate seating for elders and picnicking

  • Inadequate play structure: only two kids at a time

Check out the Plan for the New Park!


Our Neighborhood 
Flo Ware Park Serves A Diverse Community

  • Over 80% of our neighborhood non-white

  • Only playground for Seattle Girls School

  • 50% on scholarship

  • Families of surrounding churches gather here

  • Ethiopian Muslim immigrants: Oromo Community Ctr.

  • Hispanic Immigrants: Iglesia de Dios Pentecostes

  • African Americans: Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church and Church of God Evangelistic Center

 The Park as it stands today does little to honor the memory of Flo Ware who was a  quintessential activist, known in Seattle for raising a strong and logical voice on behalf of children, the elderly, and the poor. The new plan honors both our community and Flo Ware.

"(A park named in her honor) should be visible and a constant reminder that our generation has produced extraordinary human beings with a strong commitment to justice as exemplified by Mrs. Ware."
(Charles Z. Smith Professor of Law)

Find out how you can help

Donation Form

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About Flo Ware
Why Rebuild?
How You can Help
New Park Design





















Contact us:  info@FloWarePark.org

Friends of Flo Ware Park - www.FloWarePark.org
P.O. Box 22391
Seattle, WA 98122-0319



Last modified: September 02, 2004
Web Master - Tonna Kutner - tonna@computer-lynx.com
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